After running from the Lord for many years, Pastor Ron was saved at age 18. In the years following his salvation, God used several godly men and a solid, Bible-preaching church to help disciple him and prepare him for ministry. After finishing an undergrad degree in pastoral studies and a master’s degree in counseling, he and his wife Beneth moved to southern California to minister at Ironwood Christian Camp in Newberry Springs. Soon after arriving there, he felt the burden to plant a church in the small rural community surrounding the camp. For the next 8 years, God graciously allowed him to be a bi-vocational pastor working both at Ironwood and Faith Baptist Church of Cherokee Road. During the summer of 2009, Faith Baptist Church of Folsom officially called Pastor Ron to come and serve as their senior pastor. He and Beneth love the area and the people of the greater Sacramento area and consider it a great privilege to be serving the Lord in this area.
Pastor Ron’s favorite aspects of ministry are the preaching of God’s Word and the one-on-one shepherding of God’s people. He loves counseling and caring for God’s flock. In addition to pastoring, Pastor Ron enjoys serving as a police chaplain for his local police department, speaking at camps, and leading Rest Ministries, a ministry designed to encourage pastors and their wives. In his free time, he enjoys being outdoors, exploring northern California with his family, watching college football, reading Louis L’Amour westerns, weightlifting, and bike riding.
Pastor Ron and Beneth have two daughters. Jessica and her husband Blake Sorgea live in Folsom, and Mackenzie is currently in college working on a degree in education.
Pastor Matt grew up in Indiana, but he has a love for the West that is only of the Lord. After many years of trying to convince himself of his salvation, the Lord saved him as an 18 year old college freshman. After Pastor Matt finished his undergrad and seminary degrees in Bible, he and his wife, Amy, were married in 2006. After Amy finished her graduate degree, the Lord clearly directed the Atheys to stay in South Carolina. It was during this time that the Lord allowed them to adopt their first son, Caleb.
In 2010, Pastor Matt was notified that the company he was working for in South Carolina was closing down at the end of the year. The Lord had been burdening the Atheys for California ministry at this same time. The Lord miraculously opened the door for Pastor Matt to be offered a full time position in the Sacramento area. The Atheys moved to northern California in early 2011. After moving to California, the Lord skillfully guided the Atheys through the process of adopting their second son, William, and their daughter Emily.
Pastor Matt currently serves as a bi-vocational minister within our congregation and specifically oversees our teens and youth program.
Pastor Matt is thrilled and humbled at the calling of God upon his life. He loves preaching and teaching the Word of God, one on one discipleship, and seeing others grow through God’s working in their lives.
In his spare time he enjoys reading, playing with his children, and exploring the beauty of Northern California.
Pastor Ben grew up in a Christ-honoring home in Raleigh, NC. He was saved about four years old in his father's church. He graduated from college in 2008 and was married that winter. After completing seminary in 2013, Pastor Ben and his family moved to Roseville, California, to assist in church planting. Now Pastor Ben serves as a bi-vocational minister at Faith Baptist Church of Folsom. It is his joy and great privilege to be in beautiful California and serve at Faith.
Pastor Ben and his wife Lydia have three children. They enjoy going on hikes, being with friends, and reading or listening to good books.
Matt klassen
Ministry Manager
Matt klassen
Ministry Manager
Matt Klassen was saved at a young age but really surrendered his life to the Lord a few years after getting married to his wife, Kua. It was shortly after that time, that they found Faith Baptist Church and made it their church home for the last 17 years. Matt spent nearly 25 years in the theatre industry where he managed the facilities, finances, training and staff. Matt left that industry in 2023 to work full time as a ministry manager for Faith Baptist Church. Matt is currently attending International Baptist College online and loves working in full time ministry. Outside of work, Matt enjoys reading, barbequing, paddleboarding and board gaming with his family and friends.
Amy Athey
Administrative Assistant
Amy Athey
Administrative Assistant
Amy Athey is thrilled to be Pastor Ron’s administrative assistant. She loves the body of Christ and enjoys serving wherever she can. When Amy is not working behind the scenes, she enjoys caring for her three children, fixing things around her home, and keeping up with her husband Matt. You can contact Amy at